going all out

Bleargh. Today was kind of a doozy at work. The end of the semester creates this kind of euphoric-panic, where I’m happy things are finishing up but frantic that I don’t have enough time to finish what needs to be done. So in Decembers and Aprils, I work 120 weeks for a couple of weeks,… Continue reading going all out


Breakfast: [7:30] coffee three fig cookies Lunch: [11:30] two hard boiled eggs 1/4 C cashews Snack: [3:30] Carrot Larabar Insert grocery shopping here!! Bought some half and half for Sunday!! Snack: [6:30] 6 strawberries pumpkin seeds Dinner: [8:00] half a grilled chicken breast, 3 ozs grilled filet, wilted spinach with yellow peppers and onions, and…… Continue reading eighty-niiiiiiine


Still have not grocery shopped. Things are getting sketchy. Breakfast: [7:30] three small sweet potato pancakes, minus the apple coffee Lunch: [11:30] one half a scarily old grilled chicken breast I found in the fridge + 10 sad, rubbery brussels Snack: [2:00] Apple Larabar about 1/4 C pumpkin seeds coffee Din: [5:30] chicken and broccoli… Continue reading 88


Breakfast: [7:30] one egg scrambled with the sausage, tomato, and spinach leftovers coffee BLACK. Sadly, I’m out of almond milk and all the rest of the staples, too. Old mother hubbard, here. Went to the cupboard to get my poor Joshie breakfast this morning — I found an old, wrinkly pouch of Cream of Wheat.… Continue reading 87


I feel, sitting here with my lame-ish leg (though I’ve decided it’s not all that bad), like this is all coming to a end too quickly. I have 4 days before… something. I’m not sure what the end will really mean. Maybe it will mean that I won’t eat fruit and nuts uncontrollably anymore. At… Continue reading 86??!!1!