
This week is winter break. I have a week free from teaching; a week of daytime flexibility (save for a few days I have to go onto campus for meetings). Additionally, I’ve somehow made it so that I am all caught up on reading/grading. So, what will I do with myself? I wonder. I need… Continue reading break

settling in

So, my mom says I’m not posting enough here. Yeah, she’s right. Here’s where I’m at: A full third into my first semester at the new gig. I’m still giddily happy, though my giddiness is interspersed with moments of holy-crap-I’ve-never-had-this-much-responsibility-in-my-life. But then I remind myself that I began raising children at the age of 20,… Continue reading settling in


Nearly two full days of watching TV has turned Big J into Mork from Ork. He’s bored out of his mind. Tomorrow, I promise I’ll take them to the pool. Promise.